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Wedding Ceremony

Ceremony Only


One Videographer

- Arrivals to church or venue

- Ceremony in Full from two camera (Front and Back if possible)

- Signing of the register & isle walk as newlyweds

Congratulations and greetings


Live Streaming

Unmanned camera/mobile device at the front of the ceremony



Bridal Hair

Preparations - Speeches


One Videographer

- Morning Preparations

- Arrivals

- Ceremony in Full from two camera (Front and Back if possible)

- Venue Coverage/Greeting Guests



Live Streaming

Unmanned camera/mobile device at the front of the ceremony & Speeches



Married Dancing Couple

Ceremony - First Dance


One Videographer

- Arrivals

- Ceremony in Full from two camera (Front and Back if possible)

Venue C-overage/Greeting Guests

- Speeches

- Evening Coverage 

- First Dance


Live Streaming

Unmanned camera/mobile device at the front of the Ceremony, Speeches & First Dance 



Wedding Band Stage

Preparations - 10pm


One Videographer

-Morning Preparations


-Ceremony in Full from two camera (Front and Back if possible)

-Venue Coverage/Greeting Guests


-Evening Coverage

-First Dance


Live Streaming

Unmanned camera/mobile device at the front of the Ceremony, Speeches & First Dance



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